Now you can own a verified twitter account!

Twitter is a social media platform used by businesses, public figures and individuals.

At the start of 2016, Twitter had 310 million monthly active users. This makes it a key channel for businesses to reach their customers, yours included!

Before, Twitter rolled out the verification badge, known as the ‘blue tick’. This assisted high profile figures in telling their audience that their account was official. That has now changed, as they are allocating a wider range of accounts to now become verified.

So what are the benefits?

By verifying your account, it shows your company is sharing content that is relevant, and that you have something of high quality to offer to other twitter users.

It gives the user confidence when exploring your brand by showing its authenticity.

The process to verifying your Twitter account is short. The benefits of showing that you are a verified member outweighs the time it takes to submit the form. Your Twitter account will show that your company is a trustworthy and reliable source.

So how do you become verified on Twitter?

You will need to submit information; Twitter will then review this.

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They request the following

  • A verified mobile number
  • A confirmed email address
  • A bio
  • A profile photo
  • A header photo
  • A birthday (for accounts that are not company, brand, or organization accounts)
  • A website
  • Tweets set as public in Tweet privacy settings

You can change these within the settings panel of your twitter account.

When all the above is completed, you are then able to begin the submission process by completing a form.

A link to the form is here –

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Other information such as a list of at least 2 websites that can help identify your company will be asked for. You also have a 500 character limit to tell Twitter why they should verify your account.

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